Fashion Week September
Anyone who’s had any experience in the Fashion game, whether it’s in retail, designing, blogging, or even simply modelling (for the record I’ve done all four) know that September - particularly in the U.K is a busy period. September means that we’re at the end of summer, which equals the sun rising a little later and sets earlier, and if that doesn’t tell you that winters coming, the unexpected gale force winds will. The seasons here tend to quickly come and go rather quickly but most importantly its Fashion season, which gives every would-be fashion blogger and Instagram model a chance to show off how important they are to their virtual followers – real or fake.
It’s a different story for us here at Blaque Falcon. While we like to embrace new designs, ideas and innovations, we also like to ask the question of why things are - for if everyone was to try to be the ‘next big thing’, then the creativity would easily be boxed - thus leaving our customers with a whole load of garments that don’t work.
This is precisely why we deliberately keep everything simple, but effective. Take our Falcon Embroidered T-Shirts for example. While this may not make waves or turn heads at next year’s Mens Fashion Week, it serves its purpose with a simple, but quality design of embroidery to ensure that you truly are wielding the regal and royal animal of The Falcon.
Therefore, we were incredibly humbled to take part of a few smaller and independent-run fashion events for September. Firstly, we were involved with the Aeren Waters brand for their first ever Fashion Pop-Up event in Hoxton. This was headed by the incredibly brave, but ambitious Nerea Gibson. My initial contact with her was via Cherisea Giddings owner of C Model Management, who put us forward. Nerea understood and appreciated the simplistic of our garments and even purchased a few too!
Another event that we were involved in was the E4 Fashion Show hosted by the London Borough of Waltham Forest. This was of course monumental for us as a brand, as this was our first ever fashion show and it was another fantastic opportunity to embrace the local community and push our brand forward directly to our customers. On the day it appeared that the weather did everything it could to make sure the event didn’t happen, but the gazebos did its job and the models from Waltham Forest College still ripped the runway with Blaque Falcon gear as well as others.
As always, we’ll keep striving to push our brand forward by continuing to develop relationships with other independent brands and organisations – fashion shows and events alike. Through this we can keep the lights on in the creativity field and continue to make ourselves hungry through the process.